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CITY中文网 你的位置:Bone ShibaSwap 中文站 > CITY中文网 > 『官方』松江华发海上都荟售楼处发布:既有魅力又有价值!|泗泾|开发商|top|舒缓雅居新篇章
『官方』松江华发海上都荟售楼处发布:既有魅力又有价值!|泗泾|开发商|top|舒缓雅居新篇章 发布日期:2025-01-03 19:27    点击次数:185
【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』松江洞泾板块9/12号线双轨交盘「华发海上都荟」二期建面约101㎡高层三房建面约90-136㎡叠加即将开盘效果图,仅供参考上海西精工墅区剑指板块品质新标杆当下买房,开发商也已经成为购房者考量的一个重要因素,口碑国企是优选。要知道,华发是全国知名的国企品牌,【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!珠海华发实业股份有限公司是承接华发集团房产开发板块的平台公司,拥有国家一级房地产开发资质,2017年起连续跻身《财富》“中国500强”榜单,“2023中国房地产百强企业”第12名,实力靠谱!华发全国布局示意图,仅供参考近年来华发在上海更是多子齐发【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!,如华发蟠龙四季、华发半岛华庭、华发古美华府等都是备受关注的大热盘,再往前回顾还有静安府、苏河世纪等标杆楼盘,品牌力和产品力十分出众。此次华发秉持40余年匠造经验,融入华发优+体系5.0产品打造理念,落子松江洞泾打造少有的高品质墅质社区——【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!请务必报名后静待销售电话确认,确认后再行前往现场!为避免大客流影响服务质量、仅预约客户可进入销售现场,感谢您的理解和支持!,此前实景示范区已惊艳亮相!据悉项目社区配套、下沉式庭院、会所、入户大堂、地下车库等都做了实景展示,项目售楼处未来交【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!付后也将规划为邻里空间配套!满屏所见即所得,让业主看得舒心买得放心~售楼处实景图比如说,项目主入口做了环岛式酒店大堂设计,风雨回廊在天气炎热或者下雨天时让人更舒适;地下车库沿袭市场流行的网红星空顶设计,兼具美【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!观度和实用性,头顶是璀璨的星空顶,绚丽氛围直接拉满;实景图社区会所健身房也已惊喜亮相,所见即所得,【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!此外会所还配备有恒温泳池,不用出小区,在家门口就可以游泳健身;实景图实景图不仅如此,社区内部还配置下沉式花园、悬浮客厅、咖啡书吧、儿童游乐室、生鲜超市等等,不出小区就能散步、会客、赏景、遛娃、购物!【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!实景图实景图除了一系列配套的实景呈现,项目在景观以及建筑营造上亦是不遗余力。景观园林上,项目邀请朗道国际景观设计倾力打造【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!,众所周知的上海融创滨江壹号院、上海万科中兴路一号、上海万科翡翠滨江都是其代表作。项目效果图示意图,仅供参考非交付标准项目社区打造“都市园林,无界生活”的概念,创造开放、【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!生活活力的城市街角空间。同时内向造景,打造三大组团景观、各类活动休闲场地,可满足全年龄段生活空间需求。实景图建筑设计上,具有现代设计风格的外立面,以【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!浅色涂料及灰色涂料搭配为主,门头局部采用石材及铝板,色彩以暖白色与香槟色为基调,整体看上去端庄、高雅,质感十足。效果图对于城市精英们而言,结束一整天的工作,步入高颜值、低密度的墅质社区之中,身心都能不由自主的休憩、放松下来。高层&叠加轻奢户型打造理想生活新范本除了在项目打造时坚持高标准、不减配,落实其【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!改善标准之外,在产品居住体验上,特别是品质生活的体验感方面,力求完美。项目主力建面约101㎡3房2厅2卫高层户型&建面约90-136㎡叠墅户型!不管是价格还是设计、装标,都带来了诸多惊喜:项目高层户型都是建面约101㎡户型,做到了3房一步到位,购房者也无需更多纠结,同时还可获得更统一的圈层;项目户型设计极具匠心,空间布局十分惊艳,高层的装修标准更是远超同价位段新盘。具体解读如下:【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!比如说建面约101㎡F&G户型,都是市面上备受认可的飞机经典款户型。在空间布局上做到了南北通透+三开间朝南,更有客餐厅厨一体化+大尺度观景阳台+全卧室飘窗、干湿三分离、U字型厨房设计,细节把控到位!【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!样板间实景图南向主卧套房设计,自带衣帽间和独立卫生间,舒适度与私密性兼具!而且相对普遍连廊房的现在,【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!项目高层产品竟然做到了全部无连廊设计,不仅得房率更高,也保证了充分的采光,让立面外观更加和谐统一!样板间实景图高层产品更是精装修交付,新风、地暖、空调三大件统统配齐,且均配置一线国际大牌,如新风进口霍尼韦尔的,地暖+空调是AO史密斯;【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!卫生间洁具则是配置全套的科勒;厨房配备西门子燃气灶+抽油烟机,且贴心的加配了洗碗机,并且洗碗机还做了隐藏式处理,高级感不言而喻。除了高层户型,项目还有建面约90-136㎡叠墅户型。【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!作为居住业态的高阶形态,叠墅已然是很多人的置业梦想!相比普通住宅,不仅空间具备更高得房率、更高灵动性,更有身份上的荣耀感,可谓是进阶产品理想生活一步到位!建面约90㎡叠墅产品,保证空间感的同时也能控制总价;【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!建面约115-136㎡叠墅,实现了4房功能性,更适宜二胎家庭终极改善~9/12号线双轨大城一脉徐汇,全市难寻市场共识:买房跟着轨交走,是上海置业的“第一性原理”。轨交带来的不仅是通勤方便,而且代表着城市发展方向【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!,导入产业和人口,板块发展更有后劲。外环外区域轨交本身并不多,轨交房数量有限;而轨交距离≤500M的正轨交盘,更是凤毛麟角!华发·海上都荟,直线距离9号线约400米,直线距离12号线【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!(西延伸在建中)约500米,真正的双轨交汇!示意图,仅供参考而且9/12号线都是上海轨交网络中重要的市区线路。地铁9号线大家应该非常熟悉了,5站七宝商圈、8站漕河泾【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!、11站徐家汇,可以快速通达上海西区多个核心商圈。示意图,仅供参考在建的12号线西延伸,能级也很高!作为纵贯中心城区【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!,“从西南到东北”轴向的主干线,12号线上超过一半站点都可实现换乘,较之9号线而言,全市范围的通达性更优、更便捷。而且,华发·海上都荟在两条轨道交通沿线还是“价格洼地”!【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!示意图,仅供参考9号线和12号线上,七宝板块&莘庄板块新房已经约8万+/㎡、漕河泾新房约11万+/㎡、北外滩新房更是约14万+/㎡、东外滩12万/㎡...【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!即使聚焦到松江本地,松江新城新房、泗泾九亭次新房单价都已来到了6万+,相比之下项目此次均价低于原本的联动价,仅约4.91万/平~两条市区线交汇,直线距离500米内正轨交盘,【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!华发·海上都荟性价比优势显著!更难得的是,项目还有沪松公路快速路(在建中)的利好加持!示意图,仅供参考根据规划,沪松公路快速路(在建中)【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!是松江连接上海中心城方向的主要干线公路,未来从沪松快速路(在建中)上高架转沈海高速、嘉闵高架,或者直连漕宝路快速路进入市区都非常方便,而且免费~产业配套加速升级驱动板块价值腾飞不止是9/12号线(西延伸在建)双轨交配置,华发海上都荟还处在松江“科创、人文、生态”三圈交汇的C位,【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!占据G60科创走廊前沿核心位置,3大TOD综合体规划+华二松江实验学校(九年一贯制学校)+多个超级文旅资源等资源加持!作为板块内的产品标杆项目,华发海上都荟价值更坚挺,更值得入手!G60科创走廊核心区,产业发展势能强劲作为G60科创走廊的起点,洞泾在2017年就成功获批国家火炬上海松江洞泾人工智能特色产业基地,成为国内首个国家级人工智能特色产业基地。【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!洞泾高科技人工智能基地目前区域内已入驻的企业就已经超过3000家,包括小米、海尔等一大批高科技产业项目,对于板块的长远发展来说,这才是真正的核心竞争力【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!。(数据来源:悦洞泾)双TOD规划、华二顶级学校,后发优势显著相对九亭、泗泾等土地开发基本殆尽的区域,洞泾的发展确实相对较晚,但洞泾还有大量的建设用地,具有成片开发的后发优势。示意图,根据洞泾2035总规绘制更重要的是,洞泾的商业、教育等配套正在不断升级,利好连连。依托12号线西延伸(在建),洞泾迎来双TOD规划【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!——沪松公路站的洞泾未来湾TOD、刘五公路站的生态科技城TOD!(信息来源:《洞泾镇城市数字化转型2023年重点工作安排》)其中,未来湾TOD将打造涵盖地铁上盖商业、【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!高品质科创办公、综合文化中心、高端教育和古镇特色商业等五大功能的综合性地铁TOD,形成人工智能创新服务核。洞泾未来湾规划效果图两大TOD规划很亮眼,不仅将助力洞泾的商业升级,也将成为洞泾崭新的地标名片!另外沿着9号线往前2站,还有泗泾TOD!泗泾TOD目前已有成熟的三湘商业广场,其北侧的地块规划有约10万方集中商业,未来将打造区域级核心汇集商业,目前已被招商拿下【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!,预计一座招商花园城即将拔地而起。不仅如此,华发海上都荟周围基础设施也堪称松江翘楚地位:学校资源上,华东师范大学第二附属中学松江实验学校(华二),已经于2023年开工建设,预计今年竣工,这是一所师资配置很强的9年一贯制学校;还有洞泾外国语实验学校(24年9月建成后拟加入华东师范大学松江基础教育集团,将和华二松江实验享受同等待遇)等,全面提升板块教育能级【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!。(* 教育配套信息仅供参考,不视作出卖人就招生入学作出的任何承诺,均以政府教育主管部门及校方的最新政策为准。)华师大二附中松江实验学校效果图医疗资源上,这里有上海市第一人民医院南院,为三甲综合性医院,以及养志康复医院、泗泾医院等医【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! "Friendly tips: The model room to take an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" Songjiang Dongjing plateDouble track delivery on line 9/12"Huafa Sea All Hui" phase IIThe building surface is about 101㎡ high-rise three roomsThe building surface is about 90-136㎡ superpositionOpen soonRenderings, for reference onlyShanghai west Jinggongshu districtSword refers to the plate quality new benchmarkAt present, to buy a house, developers have also become an important factor for buyers to consider, and the reputation of state-owned enterprises is preferred.You know, Huafa is a well-known state-owned enterprise brand, [Songjiang Huafa Sea all Hui] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! Zhuhai Huafa Industrial Co., Ltd. is the platform company to undertake the real estate development sector of Huafa Group. It has the national first-class real estate development qualification. Since 2017, it has successively ranked among the "Fortune China Top 500" list and the 12th place of "2023 China Top 100 Real Estate Enterprises".Huafa national layout diagram, for reference onlyIn recent years, Huafa in Shanghai is a lot of children [Songjiang Huafa Sea all Hui] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! Such as Huafa Panlong four seasons, Huafa Peninsula Huating, Huafa Gu Mei Washington and so on are concerned about the big hot plate, looking back, there are Jingan House, Suhe Century and other benchmark real estate, brand power and product force is very outstanding.This time, Huafa upholds more than 40 years of crafting experience, integrates Huafa excellent + system 5.0 product creation concept, and creates a rare high-quality villa quality community in Songjiang Dongjing -- 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful!【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful!Please be sure to register and wait for the sales phone confirmation, and then go to the scene after confirmation! In order to avoid the impact of large passenger flow on service quality, only booking customers can enter the sales site, thank you for your understanding and support!Before the real scene demonstration area has been amazing! It is reported that the project community support, sunken courtyard, clubhouse, entrance lobby, underground garage, etc., have made a real scene display, and the project sales office will be handed over to [Songjiang Huafa Sea all Hui] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! After the payment will also be planned for the neighborhood space supporting! Full screen what you see is what you get, so that owners can see the comfort of buying at ease ~Sales office real pictureFor example, the main entrance of the project is designed as an island-like hotel lobby, and the wind and rain corridor makes people more comfortable when the weather is hot or rainy.The underground garage follows the popular network red star roof design in the market, and has the United States [Songjiang Huafa Hai Du Hui] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! View and practicality, the top of the head is the bright starry sky top, the gorgeous atmosphere is directly filled;Reality pictureCommunity club gym has also been a surprise appearance, what you see is what you get, [Songjiang Huafa Hai Du Hui] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! In addition, the club is also equipped with a heated swimming pool, without going out of the community, you can swim and fitness at the door;Reality pictureReality pictureNot only that, the community is also equipped with a sunken garden, suspended living room, coffee and book bar, children's play room, fresh supermarket, etc., not out of the community can walk, meet guests, enjoy the scenery, walk children, shopping! 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful!Reality pictureReality pictureIn addition to a series of supporting scenes, the project also spared no effort in landscape and architectural construction.On landscape architecture, the project invited Landao International Landscape Design to create [Songjiang Huafa Sea City] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! The well-known Shanghai Sunac Binjiang One Hospital, Shanghai Vanke Zhongxing Road No. 1, Shanghai Vanke Jade Binjiang are its representative.Project renderings schematic diagram, for reference only non-delivery standardsThe project community creates the concept of "urban garden, boundless life", and creates an open, 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! A vibrant urban street corner space. At the same time, the interior landscape is built to create three major groups of landscapes and various activities and leisure venues, which can meet the living space needs of all ages.Reality pictureArchitectural design, with a modern design style of the facade, to [Songjiang Huafa sea all Hui] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! Light color paint and gray paint with the main, the door partial use of stone and aluminum plate, color to warm white and champagne color as the tone, the overall look dignified, elegant, full of texture.Effect drawingFor urban elites, after a whole day's work, they enter the villa quality community with high appearance level and low density, and both body and mind can involuntarily rest and relax.High-rise & superimposed light luxury unitsCreate a new model of ideal lifeIn addition to adhering to high standards and no reduction in the construction of the project, the implementation of its [Songjiang Huafa Sea City] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! In addition to improving standards, we strive for perfection in the product living experience, especially in the experience of quality life.The main construction area of the project is about 101 square meters, 3 rooms, 2 halls, 2 bathrooms, high-rise apartments & about 90-136 square meters of overlapping villas! Whether it is the price or the design and labeling, it has brought many surprises:The high-rise apartment of the project is about 101 square meters, so that the 3 rooms are in place in one step, buyers do not need more tangled, but also can obtain a more unified circle;The design of the project is very ingenious, the space layout is very amazing, and the decoration standard of the high-rise is far more than the new plate of the same price segment.The specific interpretation is as follows: [Songjiang Huafa Sea all Hui] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful!For example, F&G units with a floor area of about 101 square meters are recognized aircraft classic units on the market.In the space layout, it has achieved north-south permeability + three rooms facing south, more guest restaurant kitchen integration + large-scale viewing balcony + full bedroom bay window, dry and wet separation, U-shaped kitchen design, the details are in place! 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful!Model room real pictureSouth-facing master suite design with cloakroom and separate bathroom for comfort and privacy!And relatively common even covered houses now, [Songjiang Huafa Sea all Hui] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! The high-rise products of the project have achieved all the non-corridor design, which not only has a higher room rate, but also ensures sufficient lighting, so that the facade appearance is more harmonious and unified!Model room real pictureHigh-rise products are fine decoration delivery, fresh air, floor heating, air conditioning all three major items, and are equipped with a line of international brands, such as new wind imported Honeywell, floor heating + air conditioning is AO Smith; 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! The bathroom sanitary ware is equipped with a full set of Kohler;The kitchen is equipped with Siemens gas stove + range hood, and the dishwasher is thoughtfully equipped, and the dishwasher is also hidden treatment, the high-level sense is self-evident.In addition to high-rise units, the project also has a building surface of about 90-136 square meters of overlapping villas. 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! As a high-level form of residential business, villa is already a dream of many people!Compared with ordinary houses, not only the space has a higher room rate, higher agility, but also a sense of glory on the identity, which can be described as an advanced product ideal life in one step!Building surface of about 90 square meters villa products, to ensure the sense of space at the same time can also control the total price; 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! The building surface is about 115-136 square meters, which realizes the function of 4 rooms and is more suitable for the ultimate improvement of two-child families9/12 double track Big CityA pulse of Xu Hui, the city is hard to findMarket consensus: To buy a house with the track is the "first principle" of Shanghai real estate.Rail transportation is not only convenient to commute, but also represents the direction of urban development [Songjiang Huafa Sea City] Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! Introduce industry and population, and the development of the plate has more momentum.There are not many tracks in the outer ring area, and the number of tracks is limited. The track intersection distance ≤500M, it is rare!Huafa · Sea all Hui, direct distance from Line 9 about 400 meters, direct distance from line 12 [Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! (Western extension under construction) about 500 meters, a true dual track intersection!Schematic diagram, for reference onlyMoreover, Line 9/12 is an important urban line in the Shanghai rail transit network. Metro Line 9 we should be very familiar with, 5 stations Qibao business circle, 8 stations Caohejing [Songjiang Huafa Sea all] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! 11 stops in Xujiahui, which can quickly access multiple core business districts in the West of Shanghai.Schematic diagram, for reference onlyThe west extension of Line 12 under construction, the energy level is also high! As the central city [Songjiang Huafa Sea all Hui] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! On the main line of the "southwest to Northeast" axis, more than half of the stations on Line 12 can be transferred, which is better and more convenient than Line 9.Moreover, Huafa · Sea are in the two rail transit along the line or "price depression"! 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful!Schematic diagram, for reference onlyOn Line 9 and Line 12, the new houses of Qibao Plate & Xinzhuang Plate have been about 80,000 +/㎡, Caohejing new house is about 110,000 +/㎡, North Bund new house is about 140,000 +/㎡, East Bund 120,000 /㎡... 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful!Even if the focus on Songjiang local, Songjiang New town new house, Sijing nine ting new house unit price has come to 60,000 +, in contrast, the average price of the project is lower than the original linkage price, only about 49100 / flat ~Two urban lines converge, the linear distance within 500 meters on the right track to offer, 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea all] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! Huafa · Shanghai Duhui cost-effective advantage!What is more rare is that the project also has the good blessing of the Shanghai-Song Highway Expressway (under construction)!Schematic diagram, for reference onlyAccording to the plan, Hu-Song Highway Express Road (under construction) 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developer 24-hour hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! It is the main trunk highway connecting Songjiang to Shanghai Central City. In the future, it is very convenient to enter the city from Husong Expressway (under construction) to Shenhai Expressway, Jiamin Expressway, or Caobao Expressway directlyIndustrial support was upgraded at a faster paceDrive plate value take-offNot only is the 9/12 line (west extension under construction) dual-track configuration, Huafa Sea City is also in Songjiang "science and technology, humanity, ecology" three circle intersection of C position, 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea City] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! Occupy the forefront core position of G60 Science and Innovation corridor, 3 TOD complex planning + Hua Er Songjiang Experimental School (nine-year system) + multiple super cultural travel resources and other resources!As a product benchmarking project within the sector, Huafa Offshore Hui value is stronger, more worth starting!The core area of G60 Science and Innovation Corridor has strong industrial development potentialAs the starting point of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, Dongjing was successfully approved as the National Torch Shanghai Songjiang Dongjing Artificial Intelligence characteristic Industrial Base in 2017, becoming the first national artificial intelligence characteristic industrial base in China. 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful!Dongjing high-tech artificial intelligence baseAt present, there have been more than 3,000 enterprises in the region, including Xiaomi, Haier and a large number of high-tech industrial projects, for the long-term development of the plate, this is the real core competitiveness [Songjiang Huafa Sea City] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! . (Source: Yuedongjing)Double TOD planning, two top schools in China, a significant late-comer advantageCompared with Jiuting, Sijing and other areas where land development is basically exhausted, the development of Dongjing is indeed relatively late, but Dongjing still has a large amount of construction land, which has the advantage of late development.Schematic drawing according to Dongjing 2035 general regulationMore importantly, Dongjing business, education and other supporting facilities are constantly upgrading, good.Relying on the west extension of Line 12 (under construction), Dongjing ushered in double TOD planning [Songjiang Huafa Sea City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! -- TOD of Dongjing Future Bay at Husong Highway Station and TOD of Bio-Science and Technology City at Liuwu Highway Station! (Information source: Key Work Arrangements for Urban Digital Transformation of Dongjing Town in 2023)Among them, not to Bay TOD will build covering the subway on the commercial, [Songjiang Huafa Sea all Hui] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : hardcover mansion beautiful! A comprehensive subway TOD with five functions, such as high-quality science and innovation office, comprehensive cultural center, high-end education and ancient town characteristic business, forms an artificial intelligence innovation service core.Dongjing future Bay planning effectThe two TOD plans are very bright, which will not only help the business upgrade of Dongjing, but also become a new landmark business card of Dongjing!In addition, 2 stations ahead along Line 9, there is Sijing TOD!At present, there is a mature Sanxiang commercial Plaza in Sijing TOD, and the plot on the north side is planned to be about 100,000 square meters of centralized commerce, which will be built in the future【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):精装大宅美不胜收!


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